Friday, March 16, 2012

Reflections on Google

I can't believe it's already March. Second semester is flying by and it's going great! I have been giving professional development on Quizlet and I'm about to do one on Liveninders. I've got a small group who are really interested and who are already implementing Quizlet. It's awesome! I've been implementing a lot of technology in Creative Writing. All my students have LiveBinders portfolios. We are putting all of our writing assignments in Blogger and Google Docs. It's going pretty smoothly. One issue we have been having is that students forget their passwords all the time. We could use an easier way to reset them. Also, I'm concerned. Will students lose all their documents when they graduate from GCS? I'd really like for them to be able to keep their portfolios even after graduation. Has anyone played with Aviary yet? We are going to do a performance poetry piece and I was trying to decide if we should use Audacity or Aviary or something else.


  1. I completely understand about the password issue! I don't have an "official" answer about students losing accounts when they graduate, but my recommendation would be that you advise them to create a personal gooogle account before the end of the semester/year. Then, they can share all their documents to that personal account. They will also probably need to make the personal account the "owner" of the documents. That way, when the GCS account is deleted, they'll still have all of their stuff.

    As for Aviary, I like it a lot because it has built in sounds and music, and it saves your files automatically to Google Docs as mp3s.

  2. My suggestion for keeping up with passwords: Anytime I create a new account, I email my login and password to myself and then send it to a Passwords file in my email. This has helped me keep up with them more times than I care to admit! It is especially helpful for the sites I rarely visit. :)Karen
